
Free Downloadable Victorian Clip Art Woman Baking Pie Image Dessert Baker

baking pie dessert woman image victorian kitchen clipart download
woman making pie image

Today I've posted a delightful vintage baking pie clip art image. Found in a Victorian scrapbook, this is a little paper scrap of a woman making and baking a pie. Wearing a beautiful, blue dress and lacy, white apron, she pours the hot, pie filling into the prepared pie shell. Showing that the cooking pot is very hot, she holds the pot with a tea towel as she pours out the pie filling. This vintage baking image is perfect for lots of crafting projects! I can imagine this baking clip art on lots of Christmas printable projects, as well as recipe cards, scrapbooking pages, and gift tags.

baking pie dessert image woman victorian clipart download kitchen
Victorian woman making pie download image .png

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