
Royalty Free Boy Holding Puppies Victorian Child Image Dogs Clip Art

boy puppies dog image victorian illustration clipart digital
Victorian boy holding puppies image

This is an absolutely endearing digital image of a young boy holding three puppies. This Victorian clip art is precious! The young boy is wearing a sailor suit with a straw hat. He's got three little puppies in his arms, and his smile shows his tremendous joy playing with the adorable cuties. I created this digital boy clip art from a beautiful Victorian paper scrap.

puppies dog boy image victorian illustration clipart digital
young boy holding puppies image download .png


  1. Gorgeous, you'll see a card created from this soon x Helen

  2. Oh my goodness this is so adorable, thank-you!

  3. You're so welcome! This is one of the cutest Victorian die cuts I've found, and it's in beautiful condition thankfully. Can't wait to see your creation, Helen! Yea!
