
Free Vintage Human Anatomy Illustration Images Eye Hand Head Skeleton

eye human anatomy image digital clipart illustration
blue eye image

hand human anatomy image illustration vintage clipart
human hand image

skeleton hand human image illustration anatomy clipart
human hand skeleton image

medical human head illustration image anatomy clipart
human head anatomy image

Created from a vintage medical book, these are colorful human anatomy images of various parts of the body. The first digital human body image is of the eye. This is a wonderful digital eye image of a blue eye. The second digital body clip art image is of the human hand. I've left the descriptive words because they're interesting. And, the third human body image is of the skeleton of the hand. Again, I've left the descriptive words. The last vintage body image is of the human head. This human head illustrations show the different areas of the brain and what they each control. I've left this vintage image in its original appearance because I love the worn and distressed look.

vintage human anatomy images .png

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