
Royalty Free Vintage Kimono Fashion Clip Art Victorian Paper Scraps

vintage kimono fashion image japanese clipart
vintage men's kimono fshion

fashion kimono vintage image japanese clipart
vintage women's kimono fashion

These two vintage kimono images are beautifully colorful! Created from vintage Victorian paper scraps, these vintage kimono fashion illustrations would make fun paper decorations for parties because of the square space at the bottom of the images. The bottom of each kimono image makes it easy to stand a cutout of each image. The first digital kimono fashion clipart is of a man's kimono. The colors are vibrant! The second digital kimono fashion clipart is of a women's kimono, and it's a gorgeous shade of mint green. The botanical pattern and pink accents on the collar and cuffs make it a stunningly pretty kimono.

vintage kimono fashion downloads .png

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