
Children Storybook Printables Tea Party and Playing in Snow

children clip art playing in snow
Children walking dog in snow .jpg

girl tea party clip art
Girl tea party .jpg

Aren't these storybook printables of adorable children wonderful?! I created these children storybook downloads from a vintage, 1915 child's storybook. The bright colors and vivid graphics are spectacular! Those three girls sitting by the fireplace, drinking tea, are so precious. I can imagine this digital children clip art decorating handmade invitations to a tea party. How cute! And, the girl and boy walking their dog in the snow is adorable. These children printables are also perfect for creating handmade storybooks and so many other projects. I hope you enjoy these digital storybook download for many of your projects!


  1. You're welcome, Teresa! They are definitely cute :-) I have lots of plans for these two images.
