
Antique Images Announcement and Exciting News

I love what I do! I love creating new and beautiful art from vintage and antique sources, bringing them back to life, and sharing them with you all. The process brings endless possibilities. And, I deeply hope that you’ve been inspired by my digital clip art and images into creating fantastic art yourself.

The process of creation is never ending and transformative, which is why I’m constantly coming up with new ideas when I play with the digital images I create. It’s my fondest wish to inspire others in their creative processes and journeys with my own creativity.  I’m always dreaming and imaging, always wanting my art to grow, especially in my digital clip art business. Art is full of potential for creation and fun, and it just makes me happy!

It is also my deepest wish to expand and transform my blogs and Etsy shop, offering new and exciting choices. I’ve felt the need recently to rebrand and take my business in a new direction, while devotedly staying true to my original inspiration, which is to continue bringing a one-of-a-kind, beautiful digital resource to all of you artists.

And, I would love you all, my readers, to help me as I begin this journey. I have so many ideas myself, but I’d love to hear your ideas, advice, or thoughts about what you want to see more of or in which direction you would enjoy seeing my blogs develop. What digital clip art do you want?

In creating a more comprehensive, digital resource, I’ll be offering pertinent articles, digital, printable projects, photos of finished projects, and more opportunities for all of you to share and participate on my blogs. Let’s creatively inspire each other! I’m also restructuring my Etsy shop, not only continuing to offer single images for you to use in your creations, but also offering a more diverse selection of digital images.

In expanding my digital clip art business, I’ll also be rebranding my business name. I’ve felt led to create a name more fitting and a better reflection of the direction in which I’m going. As I develop my business, I’ll keep you posted on all the exciting changes.

I’m truly excited about expanding my clip art business and offering you more inspiration and creativity. I’d love to hear from you! Please, share any thoughts or desires or questions in the comments below. And, hey, if you don’t want a single thing to change, I’d love to hear that as well! I can’t wait to hear from you.

Thank you so much for helping me do what I love. 



  1. I have no suggestions, but wish you luck in it all.

  2. I love your blog! Thanks for all the wonderful images. I have no advice, but I'd like to wish you good luck in your new adventures :)

  3. Thank you, Teresa and AES! I really appreciate your feedback and your kind words :-)

  4. I love your blog and especially the wonderful images you share with us. Thank you. I love vintage items especially children and ladies. I also love butterflies, dragonflies and flowers. Yet most vintage images are very pleasing. I wish you luck and hope it all goes very smoothly for you. Thank you. Edwina Brown

  5. Thanks, Edwina! What an awesome comment! I really appreciate your detailed feedback. Your list has helped me tremendously and gives me focus on what to post. And, thank you for your kinds words as well. You're helping me make this a better blog.

  6. It's so nice for you to be doing what you love! Such a pleasure! Congratulations on your expanded business!

    As for suggestions, I always enjoy cats. Also it seems hummingbirds are hard to find. I wish you all the best! I enjoy your images very much. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  7. Thank you, Kitty! I really appreciate your comment and suggestions. Oh, yes, I love cats too! And, hummingbirds are wonderful. I'm always on the hunt for both. Thank you so very much for your suggestions. They have helped me greatly, as well as your kind words :-)
