
Free Angel Clip Art: Beautiful Angel with Crescent Moon Victorian Scrap

I had no idea that this gorgeous, Victorian angel scrap was in one of my scrapbooks until just the other day when it fell off a page where it'd been hidden, lodged behind another, larger scrap! It was a wonderful surprise, needless to say. I've been working on fixing it up digitally so that I could share it all of you. I just wish I'd gotten it ready a little sooner before Christmas, but better late than never, right? The colors of this stunning angel clip art are  incredible, and the angel herself is positively radiant. I know this amazing angel graphic will no doubt find a lovely place in one of your projects. I've given you both the .jpg and .png files of this angel graphic. And, I know you'll enjoy!


  1. thanks! I hope to use this to make some address labels for my sister.

  2. You're welcome! That's sounds wonderful. What a creative idea! Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a sweet image to add to my angel clipart collection. Thank you for sharing it.
