Free Romantic Clip Art: Victorian Graphic of Couple in Row Boat with Little Dog
Awww! This is a beautifully romantic piece of couple clip art. This is a large, very gorgeous Victorian scrap of a couple in a row boat with a little dog. And, those flowers are wonderful! I can just image that this handsome fellow had filled the row boat before he came to get his sweetheart, surprising her with the generous bouquet. What a heart warming gesture! This romantic graphic would make a grand design element for a Valentine's Day project. Why can't that happen for all us women?! Well, we can dream, can't we? I've given you both the .jpg and .png files of this romantic graphic. I have another, similar Victorian die cut that I'll be posting later this week. It's spectacular as well. I hope you enjoy!
Very sweet. Thank you Carolyn.
Letters from the Shore