
Blog Link Party: Shabby Blogs Top 10 Tuesday Happiness

Megan at Shabby Blogs has done it again! She’s presented us with another wonderful theme for her Top 10 Tuesday Shabby Blogs Link Party. This week’s theme is Happiness. I love it! But, darn, it’s only a top-ten list. I know I could list so many more. I hope you enjoy my list and all those that have been linked to Shabby Blogs.

Happiness is:

  1. A good night's sleep with a purring cat at the end of my bed.
  2. Knowing who I am and have the courage to present my authentic self to the world.
  3. Perfect health.
  4. Unconditional love from friends and family.
  5. Long drives in the country on warm, sunny days.
  6. Being amazed by and in love with my adorable, sweet, and wonderful two-year-old nephew.
  7. A best friend who'll be there for me no matter how tough life gets.
  8. Going out line dancing with friends.
  9. Finding the perfect pair of shoes. In my size. On sale. In the perfect color. At the first shoe store I stop at.
  10. Believing in myself. 


  1. What a great list! I am quite fond of #8, too:) I am visiting from Shabby Blog's link party and a new follower.


  2. Thanks, Courtney! I really appreciate your comment :-) Yes, I love line dancing! It just makes me happy. And, thanks for the follow!

  3. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for dropping by Little Steps! Love your list as well and I am loving your designs too! Will explore your blog more. All the best, Dean of

  4. I love this list!! The shoe one is spot on! Haha! Number 5 is something else I enjoy, as I grew up in the country, but currently live in the city. (Luckily for me, the country is only but a few minutes away! Gotta love NC!) I'm now following you via GFC! I'd love it if you could stop by and follow me as well. :-) No pressure!

    Angela's Favorite Things

  5. Thanks, Inge and Angela! Love your comments! It's wonderful being a part of this link party :-)

  6. I get you on the nephew one! Mine is turning 7 months and it's gone by too fast already! Great list!

  7. Thanks! 7 months, how great! Yes, enjoy it while it lasts. It does go by incredibly fast. Wish they could stay little for a bit longer ;-)
