
Blog Link Party: Shabby Blogs Link Party Top 10 on Tuesday Favorite Childhood Toys

I wish I had kept the toys I played with as a child. I not only loved them, but some of them are probably worth a pretty penny today. It's Tuesday, and favorite childhood toys are the theme of this week's Shabby Blogs Top 10 Tuesday Blog Link Party. So, here's my list!

  1. Care Bears
  2. Barbie
  3. A dollhouse
  4. Sunshine Family Dolls
  5. Baby Sock Dolls
  6. Legos
  7. Pink, plush cat
  8. Handmade, wooden cradle
  9. Baby Alive Doll
  10. Holly Hobby
Making this list certainly brought back some memories. Hope all of you are having a great time participating in Shabby Blog Link Party. I'm really enjoying it! 


  1. STopping by from the linky party. We share some of the same. Barbie & Care Bears. I had a handmade cradle as well. I didnt even think of that one. I should have! Great list!!

    - La'Shawn

  2. Thanks, LaShawn! This was lots of fun :-) That's cool you liked a lot of the same toys.
