
I’d like to take a moment and say to all my followers, thank you very much for your comments and for following my blog. It means so very much to me. And, as you’ve no doubt noticed, I’ve been AWOL from my blog for a while. I apologize for the lack of attention and posts. This hasn’t been due to a lack of interest. Perish the thought! I love providing crafters and artists with fun, beautiful antique images. And, I’ve missed it.

I recently went through a drastic change in my life, for the better I’m happy to report, that required my full attention. I had some medical and health issues that needed to be addressed, and it took me quite some time to recover. Unfortunately some of my responsibilities were put on hold so that I could take care of myself. Happily, I’m through it and so much better and ready to tackle all the fun stuff once again!

Thank you again! And, I look forward to continuing providing you all with lovely, antique and vintage images for your creativity.


  1. Yay, glad to see you back again. Looking forward to your posts.

  2. Thank you! I appreciate it :-)It's good to be back.

  3. Hi Carolyn, I am pleased to hear you are much better. I'm sure everyone understands your need to step back from blogging while you dealt with your real life.
    I wish you a much better 2012 and look forwards to when you are able to post..
    Warm Regards

  4. Thank you, Sandi! I really appreciate your kind words. Yes, sometimes we have to step back and take a breath when life deals us blow and handle the tough stuff. But now, I'm ready to get back to work here and have some fun! :-)

    I wish you a great 2012 as well!

  5. Dear Carolyn,
    I am so glad to hear that you are well. You must take care of you first. Thank you for all the lovely things that you have provided me and countless others.
    I am very happy for you and me. I am glad that you are back.

    Heartfelt wishes,
    Letters from the Shore

  6. Oh, Kim, Thank you so much for your kind words! That means so much to me. I'm so glad you've enjoyed my blog. I've missed it very much, and it's wonderful to be posting again. Yes, it's hard taking time for myself, but in order to be better and do better, I had to realize that I must look after myself first. And, being creative helps me stay happy and healthy! ;-)

    Kim, I wish you the best as well! Thanks again.

  7. Dear Carolyn,
    Its wonderful to see you back, and wish you well for 2012. Bless you for your Blog and the beautiful images you provide.
    Wishing you health, peace and happiness.
    Wendy xx

  8. Wendy, thank you so very much for your kind words and wishes. That means a lot to me. I love being creative, and I love this blog because it's so much fun. And, of course, sharing these vintage and antique lovelies is most of the fun.

    I wish you all the best as well. Enjoy!

  9. So glad you are back & doing well. Thanks for all of your hard work! The images are beautiful.

  10. Thank you, Ruth. I appreciate it. I'm glad I'm doing well now too ;-) When you've got your health, you've got everything.


  11. Good to have you back, and even better - it's good that you have your health back!!!
